aft so long... i finally came to blog... aim of blogging: just felt like venting my emotion here... exams exams exams!! exams and exams is wad happening this year... nth else more important... i cant seems to catch up with my work... and i trying my best to catch up... cox i know i need to do it.. no matter wad... for my dad's sake and also mine... you make miie happy at times... but sometimes i feel more stress due to u... i feel like have so many things bothering miie... i wan to let it go but i cant.. only two way.. either i die or i becoming an anti-social person... but this two choices are so not miie... but i really dun know wad to do... slept so long yet i feel so tired... when is a day when i could concentrate on studying... O' lvl coming... an i cant afford to fail... but i need help ))= dun know why i get so bothering bout 'it' is non of my business... since u dun treat us as friend... i shouldnt too... i m just thinking too much... who are u? u are just someone that no one will even bother... u are just a toy? when they like it... they always need u... but once u are spoil/useless... u are not needed... u are nth in this world... nth! 一旦被背叛。。一旦信任被破坏。。它就很难再被找回来了。。。
an Ex-stUdeNt 0f jsPs, cuRrEntLy in ycKsS
bdAy is 0n 4 jan
a fAn of5566, l0llip0p棒棒堂 & 炎亚纶
MusicPlaylist at
* 5566 albums
* 棒棒堂 albums
* sleeping
* srufing internet
* watching videos
* unreasonable ppl
* untrustable ppl
* exams
* study
* ppl who giv miie creeps
- gd results ((=
- 5566 albums =p
- Lollipop棒棒堂 albums =p
- a digital camera tt belongs to miie =p
- maybe rebond my hair =p
- a laptop/notebook tt belongs to miie =p
- $$ of coz den can buy the things i want