REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC MULTI RACIAL CARNIVAL!!!~~~ Venue: REPUBLIC POLY Date: 16July2011 Time: 10am to 7pm Invite friends of other races to this carnival, group photos will be taken and stand to win a BIG PRIZE!!(Iphone, Ipad, MacBook Air and Capital MAll vouchers) Booths of different cultures are being set up! GET TO EAT AND PLAY GAMES!!! WARNING!! WET ACTIVITIES ARE AVAILABLE!! EXTRA CLOTHINGS ARE NEEDED!!((= THERE IS A HAUNTED HOUSE TOO! PERFORMANCE BY OUR VERY OWN RP DANCE CREW!!
an Ex-stUdeNt 0f jsPs, cuRrEntLy in ycKsS
bdAy is 0n 4 jan
a fAn of5566, l0llip0p棒棒堂 & 炎亚纶
MusicPlaylist at
* 5566 albums
* 棒棒堂 albums
* sleeping
* srufing internet
* watching videos
* unreasonable ppl
* untrustable ppl
* exams
* study
* ppl who giv miie creeps
- gd results ((=
- 5566 albums =p
- Lollipop棒棒堂 albums =p
- a digital camera tt belongs to miie =p
- maybe rebond my hair =p
- a laptop/notebook tt belongs to miie =p
- $$ of coz den can buy the things i want