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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Date: 16July2011
Time: 10am to 7pm

Invite friends of other races to this carnival, group photos will be taken and stand to win a BIG PRIZE!!(Iphone, Ipad, MacBook Air and Capital MAll vouchers)
Booths of different cultures are being set up! GET TO EAT AND PLAY GAMES!!!

Its just me and you <3 .
11:34 AM

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I just read our blog.... How i wish we could go back like last time.... I realise I really love u alot... Till i cant explain how much have I love u... I cant simply put all things down... I hate the way we are in now... I really hope I could do sth that can let us be back like the past.... But... No matter wad I do.. Wad I say... You dun wanna to patch back.... At times I really feel that u are freaking heartless.. And I dun know how many times I have cried over these... Whenever I thought of it, I cant help but feel like crying... But wad can i do... I do not have high EQ.. I cant control my emotions...
Reading through the blog reminded miie lots of things... Last time once u msg miie sweet stuffs, I will always save it.. whenever I m feeling down or bored, I will take it out and look at it... those msg had nvr failed to cheer miie up, make miie smile like an idiot... however once I changed my phone I lost all the msg...
But now... You dun give miie cold attitude, give miie a little care.. Then once in a while I could see u.. Then I m alrdy very happy with it... Wad else can i ask for...
I dun know how u feel... But my heart is being stabbed with knives... I always feel the ache when I think of all the things... I dun know wad can I do to let us go back to the past... if cnt... I also dun know how to make myself put all the things down... Seriously... Now i m stuck...
Now, in my phone, thr are serveral msg that i tot of sending it to u... but I have nvr dare... I m afraid of the circumstances... Wad if I sent it to then u are angry with it? Wad if u ignored miie aft seeing those msg.. I dun wanna these things to happen... I just wanna u to be happy... But I think... Even i dun send those stuffs, I had alrdy make u feel unhappy and rather i dun msg u I guess..
Someone.. Teach miie? Teach miie wad to do... Teach miie how to overcome... I dun wanna listen to useless stuffs... I have enough of it... It had no help... It always only make miie feel worse... Make miie wanna to cry more... (Mayb those are nt useless stuffs, but those are just useless to miie.. Seriously, i tot of dieing... Isnt it better??)

Its just me and you <3 .
8:52 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

为什么感觉上总是我在伤心我在哭。。你呢?我看你跟平常没什么两样啊。。你说你没必要把心情全表现出来。。。那你跟前一任女友分手时那么伤心干吗。。难道我跟你一年多的感情比不上你之前几个月的恋情吗?? 你要我怎么相信你的话。。我怀疑你,你说你对我很失望。。那我何尝不是。。为什么。。为什么。。你总是只想着自己却完全没相过我的感受。。别跟我说你有多难受。。你要说什么都行。。我还说我早就放弃你了呢。。但事实上我放不下啊。。你就能发脾气,我不能。。你是人,难道我不是吗。。我也有感觉也有发脾气的时候啊。。一年下来,我发脾气的次数四只手的手指数的完的。。真得好累好累哦。。你每次对我很冷淡时,我还得装作没事,哄你开心,自己就算不开心在你面前还是要表现得很开心。。说真的我本来就觉得这些根本不算什么。。因为在一段感情里终是要有所付出的。。但好像不管我做什么你都不满意。。

Its just me and you <3 .
11:06 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

i have loss sth... can anyone help miie to find back? his name is called motivation... i lose him even since dun know when.. and i really need him back...

Its just me and you <3 .
5:55 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

aft so long... i finally came to blog...
aim of blogging: just felt like venting my emotion here...

exams exams exams!! exams and exams is wad happening this year... nth else more important... i cant seems to catch up with my work... and i trying my best to catch up... cox i know i need to do it.. no matter wad... for my dad's sake and also mine...

you make miie happy at times... but sometimes i feel more stress due to u...

i feel like have so many things bothering miie... i wan to let it go but i cant.. only two way.. either i die or i becoming an anti-social person... but this two choices are so not miie... but i really dun know wad to do...

slept so long yet i feel so tired... when is a day when i could concentrate on studying... O' lvl coming... an i cant afford to fail... but i need help ))=

dun know why i get so bothering bout 'it' is non of my business... since u dun treat us as friend... i shouldnt too...

i m just thinking too much... who are u? u are just someone that no one will even bother... u are just a toy? when they like it... they always need u... but once u are spoil/useless... u are not needed... u are nth in this world... nth!


Its just me and you <3 .
11:23 PM

Monday, January 25, 2010

long time since i post?=p dun know wad to post bout... lately are just studying... thats all.. nth special...=p

m i doing the same wrong thing again? i feel the horror... i dun wish it happen again... is a torture...

hmm... got nth to post... shall end it here...=p bye...~ ((=

Its just me and you <3 .
10:21 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010

YAY!!! Today is my BIRTHDAY!! haha=p My whole day was great! Though it was the 1st day of sch...=p haha...
Thanks everyone! For the greetings and all((= I sure have an enjoyable b'day today...((=

haha... end of the post((=

Its just me and you <3 .
8:32 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010


One year had passed... lots of things had happen in 2009... happy ones... sad ones... just read kasper's blog... and frm his blog... it remind miie sth... the saddest time i have in yr 2009... but time will heal it..((= and I have to thanks friends ard miie... when 'it' had just happen... some tried not to talk anything related bout 'it' infront of miie... and thanks guys... for being caring... ((= but till now... i still dun know whether i have like overcome it? but anyways...THANKS to friends who had care for miie during that period of time((=

as for this yr... i wish i could concentrate of my studies.. as it is the O lvl yr.... i have to pass it with nice results... so i have jyjy le...=p

ok... so this will be the 1st post for this yr... ((=

Its just me and you <3 .
3:27 PM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

hehe.... i very long nvr post le.... hmm... holiday... quite packed? till now i haven do my holiday hmwks yet... just simply lazy... hehe=p hmm so... mon to wed... went to a SL camp... to miie is more like having holiday than like have camp.... is so fun... you even have air-con at night.... how can u call this a camp... haha... knew many new friends thr.... the whole camp was so enjoyable.... alot of us think it was too short... how we wish it could be longer...=p

hmm... as it was a camp combine of two schs... when we first reach thr.... you can see two batch of ppl sitting at each side.... but as the day go on... we started to knew each other... we were all divided in to 4 diff grps... i was in the purple group... we are called the PURPLURETTE!! haha... aft 3days of interaction... there were no two batch of ppl sitting at each side... but is a group of ppl sitting together... haha...

ok... next... like the photos talk... but thr isnt much photos... afterall.. it is a leadership camp.. thr lots of time we cant take photos.... i only took this at the last day...=p

our grp flag....((=

a photo of the whole grp((=

the name of the place whr the dorm i stayed in....

the dorm i stayed in....

Its just me and you <3 .
5:51 PM

Sunday, November 1, 2009

wow! it seems to be a long time since i last post..=p
hmm... so now EOY has over... i could promote to sec4E next yr... but i m not sastified with my results at all... i dun know wad went wrong with miie this year to get these results... seriously have to back up next yr... i cant get these results for O lvl... haix... dun know wad to post le... so.. i think i should end my post here?...
will post ltr... if i have things to post on((=

Its just me and you <3 .
8:50 PM

Sunday, October 4, 2009

haha!! it has been a long time since i last post.... and is really a long time.... reasons? very easy! coz i dun know wad to post... and lazy to post...=p

ok... posting... hmm....
alot of things seems to have happen in between this time... happy de... sad de... everything...=p
and now...
EXAMS are coming!!! I DAMN SCARED!!! i scared i fail my eng and i could not go up to sec4E.... i really very very scared.... i dun now wad to do.... what even if i pass all the other subjects.... nvr pass eng... still FAIL!!! arggh!! i really dun know wad to do.... eng is one of my weakest subject!! haiz... really dun know wad to do with it....

k la.... thats the end of my post=p ey... if i pass my eng.... mayb thr will still be updates... but if i fail... haiz....
ouhya! forgot to post one thing....someone ask miie post de... my 'good' & good tuition cher!!!=p haha!=p

Its just me and you <3 .
12:01 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i m here to post again...((= i hav decided to post... coz i feel like typing sth out... aft reading em's blog...

hmm... aft reading her blog... i tot of sth... is her situation more worse or mine more worse... i dun know... but thr is sth i hav to say... she is more brave... she dare to type that out... but i dun... i just simply keep it to myself... ppl who know... only dear... he is the only one know what happen...
hehe.. i dun know what to type le... coz i also dun feel like typing anything here.... coz i dun wan some ppl i dun wish they visit my blog... but they visit... and sees this post.. dun ask miie why... coz i also dun know(who will even ask miie...haha=p)... i just simply dun feel like...(no offence to anyone) haha=p
and thr is another reason... but think that i will keep to myself ba....

hmm... think i will end my post here... ((=

Its just me and you <3 .
10:14 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hmm.... it has been months since that incident happen.... i thought i hav already... hmm.. how to say?.. accept it?..

but i realize that i hav not.... this incident still affect miie alot... it makes think bout myself and also ppl ard miie....

sometimes... i just hate myself... why do i hav such 'good memory' to remember this stupid thing but not my sch work....

haiz... hope as time pass.... this incident will slowly fade away frm my memory....

is it sth went wrong with my character?... should i change it?... mayb i should.. coz i think i m really stupid now.... i dun know... =p

Its just me and you <3 .
1:19 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kasper my friend i updating now... so relax... =p

ok... here is update...

hmmm... finally exams are over... hope i can score well(though i know i wont... but i still hope so..=p) seriously.. i need get use into the sec3 life... half a year have gone... i need to jyjy... or i will seriously be sure dead at the end of year....

ok... hmm... so... today went for cip... flag day... standing at amk centre for hours! asking ppl to donate money... thr is a person i approach... praising miie at first.. saying that aft he had pass so many ppl... i m the first wan to approach to ask him donate some money... but aft that... thr is one line that i m so call not happy with it... he says we are like beggers begging for ppl to donate money, scaring ppl away....
hey sir is not our fault ok.... we are just help the community care out... and all those donated money... is not like we hav a share... -_-
hmm... ok but in the end i 'collected' ard half a tin of money...=p
when we went back to sch... i then realize... mine is counted abit above average only... coz thr is two ppl... which their tins are damn heavy... think is damn full de... both of them are damn pro... hahaz! =p
aft passing my tin back... report to cher... i stayed back awhile and help cher out... to seal the tins... then aft that went hm...

ya... thats all... end of post... =p
will update soon ba... mayb abt my results... mayb some other happy things... or mayb cox i too sianz le so just update... =p

k... so.. end of post... ((= hahaz! =p

Its just me and you <3 .
6:52 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

post... post... post... time to post!!

k... today hav chinese mid-year.... I M GONNA TO FAIL!!! OMG!!! aarrggghh! stupid idiot!! having headache aft each paper.... dun know what happen with miie sia...

then yesterday wad eng paper.... think gonna to fail that too.... i damn scared that i can not promote to sec4!! arrhhh!!!

k... hav to back up on all my subjects!!! mid-year... mid-year... mid-year.... hate mid-year!!! arrrhhh!!! stupid idiot exams!! hate exams!!!
idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot!!!

hahaz... k.... end of post... =p

Its just me and you <3 .
5:31 PM